Miska kraft

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Main parameters

SKU: 42110
Material: Papir
Zmogljivost: 900 ml
Premer: 185 mm
Premaz: powlekane PE
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 5,50 €
Piece 0,11 € net

In stock

Warehouse Quantity Shipment
Main storehouse 1464.0000 Immediately

More Information

Pristojbina za SUP: 0.25
Strojna dostava paketov: stroj za pakete, BagBox
Pakiranje: 50
Oblika izdelka: krožni
Višina: 59 mm
Barva: Rjava
Serija: seria kraft, tanie rozwiązania
Priporočeno: Bestseller
gtin13: 5907534707939

Other colors

Navigating through the elements of the carousel is possible using the tab key. You can skip the carousel or go straight to carousel navigation using the skip links.
Miska sałatkowa 1000ml biała śr.185xh.63mm VEGWARE 100% kompostowalna op. 50 sztuk
Material: Papir
Zmogljivost: 1000 ml
Premer: 185 mm
Premaz: Prevlečen s PLA
19,61 € 15,94 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 15,73 €
Unit 0,32 € Excl. Tax
Miska fi.185mm KRAFT 900/1100ml h60mm op.50szt. PLASTIC FREE (k/6)
Material: Papir
Zmogljivost: 900/1100ml
Premer: 185 mm
Premaz: bez powleczenia
10,63 € 8,64 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 8,64 €
Unit 0,17 € Excl. Tax
PureFiber eko miska, 1000ml, op.180szt 22x16cm, prostokątna, pap. z włókna drewnianego, bez powleczenia, eko
Material: Lesna vlakna
Zmogljivost: 1000 ml
Premaz: Brez premaza
37,69 € 30,64 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 30,64 €
Unit 0,17 € Excl. Tax
PureFiber eko miska 900ml, op.180szt śr.19,5cm, pap. z włókna drewnianego, bez powleczenia, eko
Material: Lesna vlakna
Zmogljivost: 900 ml
Premer: 195 mm
Premaz: Brez premaza
35,02 € 28,47 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 26,57 €
Unit 0,16 € Excl. Tax

Other sizes

Navigating through the elements of the carousel is possible using the tab key. You can skip the carousel or go straight to carousel navigation using the skip links.
Miska sałatkowa KRAFT 1560ml śr.185xh.82mm powlekana PE op. 45 sztuk
Material: Karton
Zmogljivost: 1500 ml
Premer: 185 mm
Premaz: Prevlečena s PE
13,59 € 11,05 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 10,79 €
Unit 0,25 € Excl. Tax
Miska śred.185mm KRAFT 1000/1300ml h67mm op.50szt. powlekana PE (k/6)
Material: Papir
Zmogljivost: 1000/1300 ml
Premer: 185 mm
Premaz: powlekane PE
6,77 € 5,50 €
Lowest price of the last 30 days: 5,50 €
Unit 0,11 € Excl. Tax